Women's Events

Pinch TLV
Pinch TLV, co-organized with Aviv Tessler and Chen Dan, was an evening For Women By Women held at Venn in Tel Aviv in July 2018.
WHO: 50+ female participants gathered for an evening filled with workshops led by female leaders who volunteered to share their expertise, knowledge and time with this group of young women.
WHAT: The females were split into three different groups, where they engaged in more intimate workshops. The night ended with a lecture for the full group.
Our experts were:
Style Therapy, led by Liron En Dor (Style Therapy)
Using Feng Shui at Home, led by Carmel Gofer
Improv led by Ayelet Evyatar
Designing Sex Toys for Women led by Michal Evyatar
Starting to Talk about Money led by Moran Shaked
Starting to Think about Starting your Own Business led by Galit Barak (Grow)
Entrepreneurship Tips led by Edi Chapel (Chuk3d)
Check out some photos from the evening here and the Facebook link here (for Hebrew speakers).

Capetown Women's Workshop Weekend
For the women’s weekend getaway, Charlotte Lau and I organized a weekend of women-led workshops, featuring a variety of themes.
Here's the full run-down:
WHO: 15-20 women, plus our venerable workshop leaders, who volunteered their time and talents to our first Cape Town Women's Circle!
Our experts were:
Leadership & Enneagram strengths/weaknesses, led by Vicki Shaw (Lifecycles Personal Development) and Lee Ann Freemantle (Lee Freemantle & Associates)
Improv theatre, led by Tandi Buchan (Improguise) and Megan Furniss (Improvision)
Voice acting & public speaking, led by Laura Russell (Russell & Fisher Voice Therapy)
Dance therapy, led by Faine Bisset (Dance Therapy)
Wine tasting, led by Su Birch (Tastetrip)
Drama therapy, led by Lesley Palmer (Presence in Action)
Thai message, led by Lisa Martin (Thai Massage School)
Also our good friend (and unofficial amateur chef) Stephanie Pretorius coordinated food jamming
The event also included a clothing swap!
Check out more photos here!

Bi-Monthly Women's Circle
This circle is a bi-monthly gathering that Netta started and has been running in Tel Aviv for the past 4+ years.
The group provides a forum for each participant to lead a few meetings on a topic of her interest — she can give a lecture/workshop, invite (volunteer) guests to lead workshops, and/or plan a project/event.
Past topics have included: Storytelling (from bibliotherapy to storytelling tools used in Child Psychotherapy), Power (from self-defense to discussing psychological power, Meditation/Mindfulness & Psychotherapy, Narrative Therapy, Healthy Living, Dissecting Aging, Sex (from writing our stories to a pelvic floor physiotherapist), Stand up Comedy (from the history of feminist comedy to holding a stand-up event), to organizing a workshop for a group of 13-14 year old girls living in a boarding school.
The events have been powerful for both participants and lecturers, fostering a commitment to sharing, feminism and empowerment.